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Sponsors & Partners

School Sponsoring Partners

Partnering schools are extremely important to Private School Village -- a core part of our ethos is in being highly collaborative with school partners as it best serves parents and students and lends to the overall private school experience. 


School partners are solicited annually by PSV (and in emerging markets, on an ongoing basis), to help offset the hard and soft costs of building community. And, it's a central part of the strategy to build support, educate and empower Black and Brown families in private schools. 


Learn more about how we work with schools here.


Learn more about becoming a school partner by completing the form at the bottom of this page. 


Visit our current list of school partners here

Make An Impact
in the Lives of Children!

According to the 2021 Porter Novelli Business & Social Justice Study, "the message from a majority of Americans is clear: Silence is no longer an option. Inaction is considered unacceptable. Proof of progress is essential."


Partnering with Private School Village can help increase your relevance and make your customers, employees, and communities take notice:


  • Silence has consequences: Six-in-10 (59%) Americans say it is no longer acceptable for companies to be silent on social justice issues and a further 49% say they assume companies that remain quiet on social justice issues don’t care.


  • Speaking out is welcome, but it comes with accountability: Two-thirds (66%) say they appreciate when companies they haven’t heard from before join the dialogue, but 60 percent will hold a company accountable when it makes a statement of support around specific social justice issues.


Mom's Hug
  • Corporate communications can normalize topics and drive change: Six-in-10 (60%) are optimistic that as companies begin to address social justice issues, we will see real change – and 62% believe companies can help normalize social justice conversations through their marketing and communications.


  • Employees expect more from employers: More than half (58%) of employees today say they hold their employer to a higher standard than other companies when it comes to addressing social justice issues and 43% say they are reconsidering their current job because their company is not doing enough to address social justice issues externally.

Why Support Us?

PSV addresses myriad issues in myriad ways. Here are just a few reasons why corporations should support our important work:

  • Every child deserves to grow and enjoy healthy racial identity development during adolescence. Yet , when admitted to private school, Black students are often not accepted which can manifest as indifference, silence, and segregation (Admitted But Left Out/NYT, 2012). Thus it is often hard to fully realize healthy human development when you are "the only one" or one of a few people of color in a predominantly white institution. Increasing racial socialization is a foundational pillar that transcends all of our work. 

  • Research shows that academic outcomes are better for ALL students when a school community is RACIALLY diverse, not just students of color. As such, we all have a vested interest in making sure our schools are racially diverse and that often starts with ensuring the current communities of color are supported, retained, and can thrive. PSV provides a continuum of support throughout the private school experience and works to empower parents to advocate for their children and work with schools to continually enhance racial diversity initiatives.

  • Suicidal behaviors and thoughts among Black high school public & private school teens is far outpacing trends among white peers (Nov 2019/Pediatrics). Couple this trend with the fact that anxiety and depression can be as high as six times the national norm in many high-achieving schools where children’s mental health is severely affected by ongoing, ubiquitous, and unrelenting pressure to achieve. We know that our efforts to ensure healthy human development by bolstering racial socialization positively impacts  sense of self and more. Additionally, as part of our socialization programs, PSV offers ongoing practical mental health skill building opportunities in partnership with established experts and organizations. 


Many Black families navigate “two worlds”—one outside of school and another inside the school community. PSV helps bridge the gaps between those worlds and strengthens the ability to succeed in both by providing opportunities to build racial literacy. There are currently several programs that teach racial literacy to teachers and administrators, which need expanding. However, there are few that focus on teaching racial literacy specifically to Black parents and Black students in private schools -- perhaps those who need it most. PSV strives to educate and arm families, from the earliest moments of joining the private school community, so that they are protected and prepared to thrive despite racial situations that often arise.

Why Support Us?

Every partnership is meaningful and will ensure PSV programs and services grow and are sustained for generations. We are especially poised to realize expansion across three major areas — organizational infrastructure, geographic, and by welcoming Hispanic/Latinx families through a collaborative program.


Imagine impacting the private school experience of every current and future Black (and Brown) private school family such that they walk in the school community KNOWING that they are not alone and are worthy and deserving of being seen, safe, valued, supported and positioned to thrive fully! Your support of PSV helps make that possible. 

It Takes a Village!


A Note About Sponsorships & Partnerships

PSV is committed to being excellent stewards of every dollar gifted to us. IRS and state guidelines associated with corporate charitable giving require specific oversight and reporting, adding expense to each sponsoring partnership. In order to ensure our corporate partnerships are not costing more to administer than the funding they provide, we set minimum contribution levels accordingly.


Please scroll down to complete the interest form below to learn more about the ways in which we can partner.

Sponsor/Partner Interest Form

Thank you! We’ll be in touch shortly!

Sponsor/Partner Interest Form

"If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

- African Proverb


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