Get Involved
School Sponsorships
Support Black and Brown families in private schools and send a signal to your school community that you understand the importance of supporting, engaging, and resourcing our community. Sponsorship allows PSV to develop important programs and services and more important, helps cover the related hard costs of these programs and services, so that Black and Brown families can thrive fully in the private school setting. School sponsors contribute a minimum annual donation based on school enrollment. They are essential to supporting the Village as it develops and implements strategies to further strengthen our community of support.
Check out our current list of school sponsors here.
To become a school sponsor, join our general email list and when we issue a call for school partners, sign up! This is typically during the annual sign up period (end of June - August). But first, make sure your school understands WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A PSV SPONSOR (scroll down once you click through). If you have questions, please email

Corporate Sponsorships
According to the 2021 Porter Novelli Business & Social Justice Study, "the message from a majority of Americans is clear: Silence is no longer an option. Inaction is considered unacceptable. Proof of progress is essential."
Partnering with Private School Village can help demonstrate action and make your customers, employees, and communities take notice. Even more, supporting PSV impacts a child’s life, for life, because PSV works to bolster social and emotional experiences that impact mental health (e.g. self-esteem, cultural pride, etc).
Learn more about becoming a corporate sponsor here (scroll down to complete the interest form).

Parents/Administrators:Learn More About Creating an Official
PSV Community in Your Area

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Don't forget to follow us on social media including Instagram, Twitter, and our public and private group pages on LinkedIn and FaceBook.

"If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
- African Proverb