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STD IG SOIRÉE 2024!!!.png

Planning Committee

Anita Martin.png

Event Co-Chair

Anita Martin

Kelli Hill.png

Event Co-Chair

Kelli Hill

Deepa Janha.png

Sponsor Co-Chair

Deepa Janha

Dawn Limerick.png

Auction Co-Chair

Dawn Limerick

Hilda Valdez.png

Host Committee Co-Chair

Hilda Valdez

Diana Brown.png

Host Committee Co-Chair

Diana Brown


School Soiree Sponsors

School Patron Sponsors

Image by Warren Jones

What is a Sneaker Soiree?

Learn details about this year's event as well as the history of this one-of-a-kind event. 





Image by Marc Groth

Support Range: $50 - $50K

View a range of sponsorship and package options. From branded display opportunities and interactive engagements to contributing to need-based tickets that help someone else attend, there's something appealing here for everyone.

Image by Warren Jones

Buy Packages & Tickets

Limited Capacity

(coming soon)

Sept 30: Pre-Sale for PSV Annual Fund Contributors
Oct 5: Early Bird Tickets on Sale
Oct 12: Regular Tickets on Sale



About This Year's Theme

As we approach November 5, 2024, when Americans will head to the polls to elect the next president—just three days after our PSV Sneaker Soiree—we stand at a historic moment. PSV encourages every community member to celebrate this milestone and exercise their right to vote! More than 60 nations, from India to El Salvador, will also hold elections in 2024, accounting for over half of the world’s population. Yet, the U.S. election is one in which we all can participate. The decisions made on that one day will shape national and global policies, relationships, and our collective future. Now more than ever, it’s crucial for Black and Brown voters to reclaim their stake in our country. While some may feel that patriotism is entangled with a broken, suppressive system, we must remember that our ancestors, through force or choice, helped build this nation. The America of tomorrow is a construct—what it becomes next is up to us. This is our moment to act, as a community who understands the value and importance of our voice. On November 2, we will come together to celebrate the meaningful work of our mission, and the power we hold in shaping the days ahead. Our community is vital—and so is our vote.

Coming Soon!

Help other PSV community members be able to attend this event by making a
"Village of Support" Donation under the ticket link. Remember, it takes a village.

Conversely, if you need financial assistance to cover the ticket price, please forward a redacted copy of your school's financial aid award letter to:
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